Time-Saving Service Inquiry Form for PEN in HAND Services

Resume Writing, Editing, and Tax Preparation Order Form
About This Form:
It is a convenient and time-saving tool for getting detailed information about how I may assist you as your Resume Writer, Editor, and Tax Preparer.
It includes basic scenarios for each of my services. Your information goes directly to my email and saves you time by not having to type everything in because of the convenient check boxes and multiple-choice circles that I included in the form.
And you can also upload any attachments that might be helpful, such as your current resume that needs to be revised or the document you need to be edited.
If you have an interest in any of my services, please fill out the following form, anytime of the day or night. It goes directly to my email. I will respond once my business day begins the next day at 10 am EST.
Please fill out my service inquiry form here: